There is only one way to world peace.

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Fatima 2000 Pictures, May 2000

Fatima Rosary Rally, July 15, 2001, Cleveland, Ohio

Fatima Rosary Rally, July 14,2002, Cleveland, Ohio

This HTML document was produced Ray Kolman
- Copyright © 2001 Mr. Raymond A Kolman -

You can request these pictures E-Mailed to you for your personal viewing.

You can not reproduce any of these pictures without first donating to The Fatima Crusader call 1-800-845-3047 and give them a donation to help spread the word of our Lady of Fatima through out the world. Pray the rosary daily for the conversion of Russia to our Ladies Immaculate Heart.
You can also reach me by E-mail at the following address: spudman@spudsworld.org

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